Lifebuoy – The School Play
How A Simple Act Of Hand Washing Can Make Sure Our Kids Don’t Miss Out On Things They Love.
Lifebuoy wanted to mark their 10th year of encouraging good hygiene in Vietnam by celebrating UNICEF’s global hand-washing day.
Online film/Visuals
We devised a long-term platform that focused more on what matters to kids, not parents, as most hand-washing messages rely on information or scare tactics.
We devised a long-term platform that focused on what matters to kids more than their parents, as most hygiene messages relied on technical information or scare tactics.

We want to highlight the fact that
Hand washing–however simple as it sounds, plays a much bigger role in a child’s life.

The 4-minute film was the beginning of the campaign, which was augmented by packaging design that told multiple real stories of all the lovely things kids have missed out on.

These curated stories tell about a boy who worked really hard to win a football medal but could not make it for the ceremony because he had an eye infection.
Or the story of a girl, who missed a school trip, she was looking forward to for the entire year.